
The term ‘Solweather’ includes 444 Holdings Pty Ltd and Dean Archibald McArthur whether alone or through employees, agents and contractors.

The terms ‘service’ and ‘information’ include documents, statements, opinions, predictions and all other utterances and writings.

This disclaimer applies to all users of the Solweather Service whether they are subscribers or purchasers or otherwise in relation to any part of the service provided by Solweather.

- Users understand and acknowledge by using Solweather that the accuracy of the cyclical method of long-term weather forecasting requires centuries of accurate Data which is not available in Australia and that therefore forecasts can be inaccurate entirely or in part and at best are a tool to be used with other information to reach decisions and to take action.

- Solweather excludes all liability permitted by law.

- Solweather does not give any representation or warranty of any kind (whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise) in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of this site and any information or material available from it or that there is no infringement of any third party intellectual property rights.

- Users of the Solweather service shall use this service entirely at their own risk. All decisions and action and any consequence of relying on the information and service of Solweather shall be at the sole risk entirely of the user.

- No responsibility will be taken for any loss or damage suffered by users as a result of relying on the information and service provided by this service or for making decisions on or acting upon such information.

- Solweather will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered by anyone who relies on the information or service provided by Solweather or caused by Solweather in any way whatsoever including through any errors or omissions including loss or damage suffered as a result of the negligence of Solweather.

- Users are solely responsible for the use of this site and any information or material from it and accept all risks and consequences that might arise from the use of the site including risks to the user’s computer, software or data being damaged by any reason whatsoever including viruses and worms and other problems transmitted via the website or because of the use of the Soleweather site or through the internet.

- Users agree that the information may not be accurate or complete and may rely on information provided by others and from other sites.

- All users agree and understand that the service provided is subject to the uncertainties and unreliability associated with scientific and technical research.

- Just because the information in the service of Solweather has been accurate and reliable in the past is not to be taken as any indication whatsoever of the future accuracy or reliability or consistency of information provided by the service.

- Each user should make decisions determined by good business practice relying on a wide range of information from different sources and should not base decisions on the success of past predictions or recommendations.

- Any action taken by a user based on the information provided by this service is strictly at the sole risk of the user.

This disclaimer is for the benefit of the Solweather Service owned by 444 Holdings Pty Ltd and its director Dean Archibald McArthur or any other director of that company and the disclaimer is intended to protect them including through employees and agents and to clearly indicate to users that they use this site entirely at their own risk.