
Climate and weather are the biggest influence over all animate and inanimate form.

The climate is constantly changing, with different kinds of weather conditions taking place all over the globe at any one time. The volatility of weather presents many risks that can be mitigated with proper planning ahead of time.

Solweather is an Australian weather forecasting organization that provides custom long-range weather information to equip all entities with the required data to make informed decisions. Our customers trust us to provide reliable information regarding long term weather forecasts in their specific operating location to minimize risks while maximizing success.

How many of us have dwelled in retrospect and hindsight and have lamented “if only I had taken certain action at time XYZ”? Cycles are the only way we can effectively reduce the guess work and make successful decisions based on past insights.

“The longer you look back, the farther you can look forward”

– Winston Churchill

We understand how climate and weather can make an impact on your daily, monthly, yearly and decadal endeavors and knowing the long-term cycles in these time frames, enables you to make the best possible decisions. With long range climate and weather forecast technology, long term rainfall and temperatures can be forecast to assist with efficiency measures and optimize productivity and success.

The organization’s founder, Dean A McArthur, has the necessary tools and intellectual property to produce the most accurate and reliable long-range climate and weather information in his field. Dean has spent over a decade formulating the systems that give rise to Solweather’s long-term seasonal accuracy that can give the foreknowledge and data to help all entities position themselves to take full advantage of impending weather and climate cycles.

Working with the climate and weather, we aim to make a difference and empower all entities to thrive by providing long-range climate and weather information. Solweather is here to help protect the success of your endeavors with innovative weather-impact information to help our customers grow in success.

Solweather’s ethos is to help all entities step out of the darkness of guess work from outdated, narrow information and into the light where actions are taken on the most advanced, progressive and forward-thinking information, enabling all to produce success within their immediate environment for a brighter and more prosperous future.

“Success is based on the correct decision and action that harmonizes with your immediate environment. Your immediate environment is a function of time”

—Dean McArthur, Solweather